Dear players, trainers, parents, organizing team members, referees, sponsors and other friends of handball! Tallinn Handball Cup 2020 is sending a big thank you to all of you!

This year as we all know is not the easiest when it comes to organizing events and therefore we are very happy that Tallinn Handball Cup 2020 could still take place. We had teams from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and even though the whole number of participants was not as high as previous years, the spirit was high and the games were good.

Here is the list of three best teams in each category. Congratulations!

Boys 2002

  1. SK Tapa
  2. HC Kehra
  3. Dobeles SS

Girls 2002

  1. Ludza
  2. RS/Kopli
  3. RS/TSK

Boys 2005

  1. HC Pärnu/Paikuse
  2. HC Tallas 1
  3. HC Kehra

Girls 2005

  1. Aruküla SK
  2. RS/Mustamäe
  3. HC Tabasalu

Boys 2007

  1. Dobeles SS
  2. HC Kehra
  3. Ludza

Girls 2007

  1. Ludza
  2. HC Kehra
  3. RS/Lasnamäe

Boys 2009

  1. Aruküla SK
  2. HC Kehra
  3. HC Tallas

Girls 2009

  1. RS/Mustamäe
  2. Reval Sport
  3. Ludza

Boys 2010

  1. Aruküla SK
  2. HCT/Pääsküla
  3. Dobeles SS

Girls 2010

  1. RS/Lasnamäe 1
  2. RS/Lasnamäe 2
  3. RS/Kopli

Boys 2011

  1. TKA
  2. Aruküla SK
  3. HCT/Pelgulinn