Because of the rising numbers of coronavirus cases and restrictions for events set by Estonian government organizers have decided with a heavy heart that this year´s tournament will be only for one age category. Tournament will be held for boys and girls born in 2006.

„The tournament is organized in smaller scale for various reasons,“ says the head organizer Jüri Lepp. „Firstly the rising numbers of COVID-19 infections. Secondly there are restrictions for event organizing. Last but not least our tournament is for children and young people who have not been vaccinated yet or among whom the vaccination level is very low. We cannot take responsibility that we can ensure everybody´s safety when the participants number is similar to previous years“.

Games take place from August 20 till August 22 in Kalev Sportshall and sportshall of Tallinn Kuristiku Gymnasium.

Currently organizers are taking into account that no more than 50 participants are in the sportshall at the same time.
Tournament organizers do hope that Tallinn Handball Cup 2022 can be held as usually in June next year.